Ready to relapse during COVID-19?

Have you started climbing the walls? Social distancing got you down? Isolation may be good for stopping the spread of COVID-19, but it could be making you ready to break down and revert to the old ways. If you have lost physical access to your coping network or you find panic setting in, remember to breathe deep, breathe slow.

Try the following meditation / breathing exercise to bring you back to your center.

Drug-Free State of Mind

Make a connection in your mind to bring you back to your pre-addiction default setting.

Sit straight. Sit still. Allow room for your diaphragm to work freely. Your spine is straight, strong and vertical; palms pointing up. No leaning back. All your muscles are relaxed; heart beat steady, breathing is slow and regular.

Breathe deep.
Breathing exercises bring the internal energies into a state of balance. A deep breath can bring us back to our center. As we inhale, we fill our bodies with the oxygen to replenish our most basic physical needs.

Exhale slow.
Practice breathing deep and exhaling slow. You cannot breathe in fully until you’ve exhaled completely. Let go of the stale and toxic air. Visualize it leaving your body through the exhale.

Count one. Count two.
Watch yourself breathing, from the inside out. Remove any blocks that may keep you from going deeper into stillness. Feel wonderfully calm and centered.

Breathe deep.
Focus now on the spot directly above your forehead for three minutes. Eyes open. Keep staring at it until your lids get heavy. You want to close those lids as they tire. Visualize a bright white light coming down from the top of your head; filling your entire body.

Breathe slow.
Enjoy the feeling of total rest. Think only of the white light. If your mind starts to wander, don’t distress, just beckon it back to focus. Remain calm and relaxed. Patiently wait for the white light. Practice breathing deep and exhaling slow until it appears.

Breathe deep.
Send the warm white light feeling from your crown to your toes and feet.

Exhale slow.
As you exhale, let the tension drain away. Feel all stress and tension break away. Breathe in through one nostril and out the other.

Breathe deep.
When you breathe in through one nostril, hear in your mind the word SO. On the exhale, hear HAM. This mantra will help stream your energy shower.

Repeat in reverse.
Send the warm feeling to your abdomen. The energy travels as though under pressure next to your heart. Let the deep relaxing energy fill it. Your heart should be pumping naturally and peacefully.

Exhale slow.
Resume regular breathing through both nostrils.

Breathe deep.
Focus your mind on the white light energy only. As you breathe out, direct the energy from the heart to the base of the spine to your throat and back to the top of the head.

Exhale slow.
All the energy centers in your body are now open. Now is the time to stop directing energy and just be. Just let everything happen as it is supposed to. Don’t try to stop anything from happening.

Breathe deep. Exhale slow.
Close your eyes and look for the little box that lives in your mind—the one that is normally locked up and sealed tight most of the time. It is located at the base of the neck where the spine meets the brain.

Exhale slow.
If you cannot automatically picture this little box in your mind, visualize a sheet of paper with no thickness. Add four more points to your field. Place these points in the corners so that when you add your imaginary lines, they will all connect at right angles.

With this mental maneuver you have created a 3-dimensional box in your mind complete with length, width and depth. You have made this space with your consciousness. It exists in your mind and brain.

Now open the door and enter the zone.

Breathe deep.
Maintain stillness, do nothing, it will come.

Exhale slow.
Picture yourself inside your box.

Breathe deep.
What are you doing? How are you dressed? What do you look like?

Exhale slow.
Visualize your throat, lungs or any disease prone body centers affected by your ‘poison’ of choice. What might yours look like? Make the images really clear in your mind’s eye.

Breathe deep.
Now that you are inside, clearly identify any obstacles that have been standing in the way of your success. Feel yourself gaining power and courage to remove these obstacles. Find your place of inner freedom.

Breathe deep
Let go of your obsession with the past. It’s over. That’s why it lives in yesterday. Remain relaxed.

Exhale slow.
Imagine you are facing a blackboard, wiping the slate clean of old conditioning. Strip the layers that have built up since birth. Peel them away.

Breathe deep
See yourself erasing the board. The blackboard is clear and blank.

Exhale slow.
You must work to change anything in your life which does not fit the picture of what you want to be in the future. Re-evolution.

Breathe deep. (Breathe it in).
Immediately replace the old picture with a new one—the person you want to be.

Exhale slow.
You have gained everything and lost nothing.

Breathe slow.
Now slowly, carefully, state your desire. Let the super conscious mind work for you.
You are evolving. You are becoming. Experience who you really are.